domingo, 31 de marzo de 2024



¡Saludos Cordiales y bienvenidos a Ecuador! Mi nombre es Francisco Guayasamín y soy el primer guía especializado en TURISMO GAY ENCUADOR.  Vengo desarrollando este emprendimiento y proyecto desde el año 2003 y estos años de experiencia han hecho que cree un turismo personalizado mostrando a los visitantes lo mejor de este hermoso país y tratando que tengan una experiencia real de lo que es Ecuador. 

Como miembro del colectivo LGBT y siendo activista desde el año 1998 entiendo las necesidades de cada persona sexualmente diversa dando importancia de sentirse seguro y cómodo mientras viaja. Es por eso que me dedico a brindar un ambiente cálido y acogedor para todos mis turistas independientemente de su orientación sexual o identidad de género.

Me apasiona compartir la rica cultura, historia y belleza natural de Ecuador con visitantes de todo el mundo. Ya sea que esté interesado en explorar la vibrante ciudad de Quito, hacer caminatas en las montañas de los Andes o visitar las impresionantes Islas Galápagos, puedo personalizar un recorrido que se adapte a sus intereses y necesidades específicas.

Como guía local, tengo un amplio conocimiento de los mejores alojamientos, restaurantes y lugares de vida nocturna LGBT-friendly en todo el Ecuador. Puedo proporcionar recomendaciones sobre los mejores lugares para ir y también puedo organizar el transporte y otra logística para su viaje, dando importancia a contratar personal LGBT o llevarlos a sitios Gay Friendly donde podamos ayudarnos entre nosotros.

Durante su recorrido conmigo, vas a tener una experiencia personalizada y atractiva, ya que comparto historias y puntos de vista sobre la historia y la cultura de Ecuador, pero también la historia y cultura del movimiento LGBT en nuestro país incluso desde antes que llegarán los conquistadores. También al viajar con nosotros van a experimentar un ambiente divertido. respetuoso  y alegre, tratamos en todo momento de que nuestros pasajeros no se sientan aburridos. Nos entusiasma hacer nuestro trabajo y somos muy agradecidos por ello. 

Creo que viajar no se trata solo de ver nuevos lugares, sino de establecer conexiones significativas con personas y culturas. Como tu guía turístico gay en Ecuador, estoy comprometido a brindarte una experiencia segura, placentera e inolvidable para ti y tus compañeros de viaje.

Por último, aclaro que hago turismo, pero no ofrezco servicios de contactos gay o servicios sexuales, ya que en mi país muchas personas tienen esta confusión, creen que turismo gay, es turismo netamente sexual. Pero sí puedo en tus visitas llevarte a sitios donde las personas LGBT suelen divertirse.

¡Gracias por considerarme como tu guía, y espero que tengas una experiencia inolvidable y placentera al recordar que estuviste con nosotros en Ecuador!

Cualquier inquietud o información puedes contactar conmigo

Agente de viajes y guía de turismo gay en Ecuador. 
Celular & WhatsApp: (593) 986 588 404
Facebook: @ecuagaytravel
Instagram: @panchoguayasamin
YouTube: @EcuadorGayTravel

martes, 26 de marzo de 2024



My name is Francisco Guayasamin, and I am a professional gay tour guide based in Ecuador. I am thrilled to offer my services to the LGBT community, and I am dedicated to providing a unique and unforgettable travel experience.

As a professional tour guide, I have extensive knowledge of Ecuador's history, culture, geography, and wildlife. I have years of experience working in the tourism industry, and I am passionate about sharing my love for this beautiful country with visitors from all over the world.

What sets me apart as a gay tour guide is my understanding of the unique needs and interests of LGBT travelers. I am committed to providing a safe, inclusive, and welcoming environment for all of my clients, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

I believe that travel should be a fun and enriching experience, and I am committed to providing customized tours that cater to your specific interests and needs. Whether you are looking for adventure, relaxation, culture, or nature, I can help you plan a trip that exceeds your expectations.

As a gay tour guide in Ecuador, I am especially excited to share the country's rich LGBT culture with my clients. Ecuador has a growing LGBT community, and I can take you to some of the most popular gay bars, clubs, and events in the cities. I can also introduce you to local LGBT activists and organizations, giving you a deeper understanding of the LGBT rights movement in Ecuador.

Ecuador has an abundance of natural beauty, and I am passionate about showing my clients the country's stunning landscapes. From the snow-capped peaks of the Andes mountains to the lush rainforests of the Amazon, there is something for everyone in Ecuador. And of course, no trip to Ecuador is complete without a visit to the Galapagos Islands, where you can see some of the world's most unique and diverse wildlife.

As your professional gay tour guide in Ecuador, my top priority is your safety and comfort. I work only with trusted and vetted partners, and I am available 24/7 to assist you with any issues that may arise during your trip. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and French, and I have a deep understanding of the cultures and customs of Ecuador.

Thank you for considering me as your gay tour guide in Ecuador. I look forward to providing you with an unforgettable travel experience that you will cherish for years to come. Please don't hesitate to contact me to start planning your LGBT-friendly adventure in this beautiful country!
I love to speak with you.

Please tell me your wishes,
What do you like to do the most when you travel?
What kind of places would you like to visit when you will be in Ecuador?
I will do a personalized itinerary for you...
Just let me know.

Please contact to
Cell Phone & WhatsApp: (593) 986 588 404
Facebook: @ecuagaytravel
Instagram: @panchoguayasamin


In 2003 Francisco Guayasamin created Ecuador Gay Tour Guide with which he offers packages.
Markets and hollows are part of the tours that foreign travelers take in the country.

Francisco Guayasamín is not a traditional tour guide.
For several years he has dedicated himself to putting together travel packages for the gay community, mostly for foreigners. With them - he says - he travels from emblematic places in Ecuador to the markets.
and hollows where he takes them to taste typical dishes, such as sausage broth.

Upon arrival in the country, travelers are received at the airport and then transported to a gay-friendly hotel by staff who belong to the group. “I have noticed that they not only feel comfort, but confidence and security.” He also highlights having formed friendships that are still maintained despite the distances.

Francisco, a native of Quito, explains that the tourism he offers is experiential.
“I show them how Ecuadorians operate, their gastronomy.
“I try to get them in touch with reality and have more experiences.”

Among the favorite destinations of gay travelers are the Historic Center of Quito,
the house of Oswaldo Guayasamín; Train trips to Alausí, Imbabura, Otavalo, Cotacachi,
the beaches of Manabí and Yasuní. “The colorful cities catch their attention, the dances they practice. Therefore, at the end of the itinerary, travelers tell me that they are going to have many
experiences to tell when returning to their country.”

Before undertaking his project, Francisco worked for the first agency that included the collective
in their packages. However, upon noticing that he only used it to attract more clients without giving them
a personalized offer, he decided in 2003 to create Ecuador Gay Tour Guide.

He points out that with his project he seeks to stop gays from being seen as perverse and damaged.
In addition to associating the tourism they practice with sexual activities.

“Those who travel are prepared people, who have a good income, and run companies.
If people open their minds, the country can be a good source of work and income.”

He assures that a passenger who arrives in Ecuador spends $5,000 in ten days. Precisely,
In 2012 the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) recognized in a report that
GLBTI travelers represent a dynamic and influential segment in the tourism sector.
Likewise, at the IV International GLBTI Tourism Convention held in Montevideo, Uruguay, they announced that the community represents 10% of global tourism activity.

His Signature “Ecuador Gay Tour Guide” is characterized by not only having gay tourists, but also gay tour guides, concierge staff, driver and owner or friendly accommodation and service providers.

Francisco, in addition to serving the community as a guide, has been advising gay people over 55 years of age since 2010 who are thinking of retiring or planning a place of retirement. Ecuador is the first option.

Francisco Guayasamin
Mobile & WhatsApp: (593) 986 588 404 


I am Francisco Guayasamin. I joined gay movements in Ecuador in 1998, carrying out various activities, starting as a defender of the human rights of sexually diverse people and I have the pleasure of being one of the pioneers in promoting gay tourism in Ecuador, as well as being one of the first gay men. in showing his face publicly.

I studied tourism when in Ecuador the career did not exist professionally. It was only a technical career. In those times, being gay was penalized, we were practically treated as if we were criminals, therefore, undertaking a project to promote gay tourism to our country was crazy.

At first it was very hard for me, since as a visible gay man I received many insults on the street and several death threats came to my phone from people belonging to conservative groups in the country who present themselves to the public as defenders of Christian morality, but behind the scenes they maintained a double standard, especially in the sexual aspect. A custom that has not changed to this day.

Also to spread awareness about this new type of tourism in Ecuador, it was necessary to open the field by explaining to the owners of tourist businesses what sexual diversity was, especially to the hotel staff with whom I was trying to teach them how to deal with gay people.

Some business owners were very reluctant, several of them told me to my face

– I don't like working with faggots or the classics - I hate homosexuals, they live in sin. God hates them. - But then seeing the human quality and respect that gay people have when they arrive at any of these places, the situation changed. As time went by, they called me putting their businesses at their disposal so that I could bring them gay clientele. They weren't just hotels, they were restaurants, sellers of crafts, gifts, flowers, chocolates, museums, and even specialized doctors, they invited me to their businesses, and they were very willing to deal with GLBT people. (Currently, several hoteliers tell me that they prefer to deal with gay men than with straight men. They tell me that they are more respectful, especially tidy and clean.)

When I started in 1998 as a gay activist, the acronym LGBT did not exist. Even in our community there was a lot of phobia towards trans people. In 2000 we created the first G&L guide in Ecuador, in which I met the first gay travel agency in the country. The company was managed by a couple in which one of the owners was Ecuadorian and the other owner was American.

I went to propose that they hire advertising with our guide, which at that time was only a brochure, and they were looking for personnel. Then submit my resume. I was lucky, I was accepted because my portfolio was the only one in which a gay man admitted his sexual orientation. The majority of resumes were from heterosexual men. My boss, who was from New Jersey, taught me how the gay community worked in the United States. He chose me because he told me – We gays help each other. By working with them I learned how developed gay tourism was in other countries.

Since homosexuality had recently been decriminalized in Ecuador, it was very hard to come out as homosexual in those times. My Ecuadorian boss never came out as gay for fear of reprisals. . In advertising abroad the agency promoted itself as gay, but in Ecuador it was an agency that we could call “normal clientele.” We were even very wary of putting the gay flag on the balcony of the establishment to attract gay tourists passing by on the street. There was the fear that some heterosexual who knew the meaning and was homophobic would approach the agency to attack us.

At that time, most people in Ecuador did not know the gay flag, rather they knew the flag of the Pachakutik indigenous movement, which has the 7 colors of the rainbow. That gave us the courage to install the flag on the office balcony.

In a march of the Pachacutec movement that passed in front of our office, they began to applaud us and shout fervently - Thank you for supporting us! - Although funny for us, that fact was also historic, it was the first time that the gay flag flew in Ecuador.

Because the gay tourists who came through the agency received treatment with heterosexual people, in which even the tourist guide was not gay, they only had contact with gay personnel through the internet. I realized certain shortcomings and based on this experience I decided to create my own business, to be the first personalized gay tourism guide in Ecuador.

In 2003 I started this project by promoting myself on the internet. My main idea was to provide humanized treatment to tourists, since many gay business owners only saw gays as big business, but not good treatment.

My main purpose was for my tourist to have a real experience about what everyday life in Ecuador offers. I did not want to present a disguised Ecuador as presented in most cases by tours programmed by large travel agencies. I think making the real Ecuador known has been a big part of my success.

Recognizing that each person has different tastes, from the first contact with the tourist, I try to find out what activities they like to do, so I propose a highly personalized tour for them. That has been another fundamental part of my work. Each tour I do is created especially for the tourist, couple or group that comes, based on their tastes and curiosities.

Since I started, I have dealt with hundreds of gay people from all over the world. Most of them have liked this experience, and once they have returned to their countries they have recommended to their friends that they get to know Ecuador and hire me as their guide.

Having overcome the times of pandemic in which many of us have had to face difficult times, we are very happy that once again several gay tourists are interested in getting to know Ecuador using our services.

Due to the training I have had both in tourism and as a GLBT activist, my slogan proudly says “No one knows the diversity of Ecuador better than I do.”

The funny thing about my job is that the majority of foreign tourists who hire me do so because they know that I am a tour guide and want to get to know Ecuador, while the majority of Ecuadorians who call me believe that gay tourism is “sex work.”

Now that we are looking forward to a better future for the gay population in various parts of the world, if you come to Ecuador it will be a pleasure to guide you and let you know my country. I will be waiting for you…

Cell phone and WhatsApp: (593) 986 588